About Gradual School

When I was in graduate school studying physics a professor referred to our environment as "gradual school". I thought that was pretty funny. Asshole. Now that I've discovered bitstrips I can render many hilarious graduate school situations in comic strip form, even though I can't draw. You are so lucky.

Even if you don't want to make comics, bitstrips is a fascinating example of a web application that is built with Flash and is actually useful: it saves your work, has keyboard shortcuts, is cross-platform, and free. I make the strips with bitstrips and clean them up in a photo editor, adding some details and an imagemap (look for links embedded in the strip).

You should find a new strip here a couple of times a week. You can check the site obsessively, or subscribe to the RSS feed to be automatically notified of new content. Feel free to comment; if I get entertaining mail I'll include it in a comments page.